The AntiChrist & the New World Order General Information on Islam Some Thoughts on Other Religions What Islam is Not How Islam Addresses Society's Poisons The Muslim's Source for Handheld Computing

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Dajjalic Priesthood

The Role of Psychiatry & "Self-help" in Instituting the New World Order

Intentions and Disclaimers:

Please do not misunderstand my intentions in writing this chapter.  I do not intend to offend those who have chosen the professions stated in this article, nor do I mean to imply that such individuals are evil or consciously bringing evil about.  My intention is to call all of us, myself included, to a critical eye.  In this day and age, things are most often not what they seem.  And it is for this reason that I am one to analyze and critique much of what I see, hear, and experience.  This is not to say that I advocate judging people with a "holier than thou" attitude (a charge most often brought against any spiritual or religious position on matters).  But rather to judge actions, situations, choices, experiences, and trends to their degree of rightness, wrongness, and appropriateness. 

With that said, what is to follow represents some of my own personal observations and thoughts.  I am a Muslim, a physician, a male, a husband, a father, a son, a white American, and I have a BA in Africana Studies; However, my opinions stated below reflect my own personal biases.  My views are not meant to represent the views of anyone of the above groups to which I belong.  Though I seek only the pleasure of our Creator, Allah, I do not speak for Muslims or Islam.  I am male, but I do not speak for men.  And I am a physician, but I do not speak for doctors. 


For a long time, I considered entering the field of psychiatry after completing my medical school training.  I was quite interested and felt that I had a lot to offer the profession and the people it set out to serve.  However, I came to realize that the professions of psychiatry and its many ancillary disciplines (which include psychology, social work, case management, addiction counseling, advertising, and many others) are but subsets of a much larger force attempting to direct human society and human history.

Some may call this force the New World Order, some may call it materialism, others may call it globalization, and still others may call it progress.  Whatever it is, it serves as a trend toward separating out truth and falsehood, spiritual and material, good and evil, and, ultimately, Christ and AntiChrist.  The world is being wrenched apart into two camps, and our everyday lives are the battleground.

This is not an attempt to paint some elaborate, fantastic, other worldly, apocalyptic picture of these times.  It is merely to call us all to examine what is happening around us, <b>in context</b>.  Our world, as we live it today, is disjointed to such a degree that we do not see the common threads uniting our entertainment, world events, history, our own personal emotions, our interpersonal relationships, our careers, our preferences for soft drinks, etc.  These things are not separate.  It is only presented that way...intentionally.

Psychiatry, self-help groups, and the like are but cogs in a much larger machine set out to bring about the New World Order and to, thus, pave the way for the Masih ad-Dajjal, or AntiChrist.  These professions serve to further disjoint our world through the multi-leveled destruction of the family, through marginalizing religion, through manipulating language to direct opinion (and "fact"), through normalizing that which is not normal, and via instilling false hope and trust in a system set out to destroy us.

Normalizing Deviancy:

Please forgive the reference to "priesthood" in the title, but it is the way in which psychiatrists and their colleagues (physicians included) normalize deviancy that makes the analogy appropriate.  People are leaving the world's religions in herds.  And whenever something is removed from an individual's life, it is most often replaced with something else.  As a Muslim, when I do something wrong, I simply ask God for forgiveness after confessing my wrong to Him through prayer.  Then I set out to do my best to change my ways.  Similarly (to some degree), Catholics seek forgiveness of God through confession.  Openly, they admit their sins to a priest who then gives them the regimen to obtain God's forgiveness, and then they set out to change their ways as best as they know how.

Psychiatry and self help groups serve a similar function, however on a more worldly level and with worldly criteria and values, nearly entirely divorced from any religious or prophetic traditions.  And while the religious approach is based (at least remotely) on revealed literature and guidance, the disciplines of psychology, psychiatry, and self help are based solely on self and worldliness.  And just as the self and the world are subject to change, so too are the worldly criteria of separating what is right from what is wrong, what is normal from what is abnormal, and what is appropriate from what is not appropriate.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, and group counselors have replaced the confession boxes with group sessions, psychoanalysis, self help books, and medications.  And they, themselves, have become the "priests" to which we confess our sins.   They are Dajjalic priests because they do not call to guidance or truth.  Their regimen for forgiveness is for you to forgive only yourself, and thus allow you to seek fulfillment of your desires (good and bad) uninhibited.  Their regimen is to teach the one confessing to turn his or her natural feelings of guilt and remorse into affirmation and adoration of the very sin he or she set out to confess and correct.

Homosexuality is perhaps the most blatantly obvious example of such a phenomenon.  A few short decades ago, homosexuality was listed in psychiatric and medical texts as a disease and was treated as such.  Psychiatry, medicine, religion, and society were all in agreement.  Such people needed help.  Over the past thirty years, the tables have turned...The predominant view presented by physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, group counselors, and the media is that religion and society have been wrong for the past 3000 years or so.  Obviously, indirectly implying that religion is wrong has far deeper implications than allowing a deviant practice to flourish and become "normal" and "okay".  It also calls the entire spiritual order and prophetic tradition into question...precisely the goal of a Dajjalic order. 

When it comes to other sexual deviancies such as transvestitism, beastiality, pedophilia, etc, these disorders are still held as such.  However, even this is changing.  The more these things are presented on talk shows and in movies, the more normal they are becoming.  But the realms of psychiatry and self help have yet to call such practices "lifestyle choices" or normal.

Sins of the Tongue:

A far worse and more subtle meddling of psychiatry and its subsidiary disciplines revolves around the sins of the tongue.  Because of the intense focus on the self and one's feelings, much of the treatment for psychiatric and addictive disorders involves talking about emotions, interpersonal relationships, impulses, childhood upbringing etc.  This opens the door to say things about people when they are not present.  In Islam, to say something about someone which they would not want you to say, is a major sin, regardless of whether or not what you are saying is true.  This is called backbiting.  It does not heal any wounds, it just makes new ones.  It is divisiveness and only serves to tear people apart.  Again, precisely the goal of a Dajjalic system.

Psychiatry, psychology, self help groups, and addiction counseling are not alone in their sanctioning and normalizing of backbiting.  It's on the news, it is in comedy shows and movies, and now it is used for treatment by the above said groups.  This "talk it out" approach to personal problems deepens the rift between generations, between family members and loved ones, and of course between groups of people.

Even the dead are not spared.  This is especially the case in addiction counseling where recovering addicts are encouraged to dredge up early family experiences of abuse or neglect on the part of their parents or other caregivers.  Again "talking it out" is portrayed as a purging of the feelings, that somehow these things will up and go away after talking about them.  But they do not.  I have seen it with my own eyes.  I have seen one member of a family go through the early phases of recovery and then feel it necessary to discuss their new-found revelations regarding their childhood with their other brothers and sisters.  It did nothing but stir up old bones and destroy the nostalgia of "Mom and Dad".  Perhaps this is why the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed us not to speak ill of the dead, saying that it has no effect on the dead and only hurts the living.


Changing Definitions:

Psychiatry and its underlings manipulate language. Definitions are changed, and with them, public opinion. In a sense, it becomes a form of social engineering...on par, and often in conjunction with, the advertising industry. A few examples...

With the move away from "judgmental" language and a move away from religious terminology, the Dajjalic priesthood prefers the use of the phrase "sex outside of wedlock" over words such as "fornication" and "adultery". Fornication and adultery are far too harsh. After all, such words are deterrents in and of themselves, let alone their religious connotations. What better way to destroy the family than to encourage fornication and adultery? In this Dajjalic system, teachers and administrators introduce concepts such as "falling in love" and "dating" to children in preschool and kindergarten. Of course, with loads of assistance from the television. (Tell-Lie-Vision or Dajjalavision...take your pick)

  In fact, "adolescence" itself, is an invention of modern times. With the arbitrary definition of adulthood at 18 or 21, the time between puberty and participatory adulthood must be accounted for. Traditional societies differentiated between adulthood and maturity, with the onset of adulthood quite logically set at puberty, the age at which an individual becomes capable of having children. Nowadays, biological and societal adulthood are off by about seven or eight years. When young, biological adults begin to express their adulthood and individuality, they are called adolescents. They are then labeled rebellious teens.

"Rebellion" itself has changed. Thanks to the logical conclusion of a Dajjalic priesthood operating in a capitalist global economy. Rebellion has become an expression of fashion and tastes now rather than a true resistance to a system or government. Dressing differently, in-your-face attitude equipped with the appropriate tattoos and earrings, and listening to the latest in "alternative" or "underground" music what we are taught rebellion means.

The psychiatrists, psychologists, and sociologists who serve the advertising wing of the Dajjalic priesthood, have effectively marketed rebellion. It has become fashionable and trendy. And as such, easily manipulated. The primary goal is profit, and this is obvious. However, a little less obvious is the secondary goal...namely, preventing true rebellion. The framework is set. There will be no discussion of alternatives to capitalism or globalization or the two-party system.

The self-proclaimed bastion of family entertainment (or should I say family programming), Disney, has produced numerous cartoon feature films with rebellion against the family as a dominant underlying theme. As I sit here typing this paragraph I cannot recall even one Disney film devoid of a rebel-against-your-family theme. Most, if not all, show a hero or heroine who disobeys their parents or societal norms, things go bad, and then everything turns out fine in the end. Think about it...In Aladdin, Princess Jasmine leaves the palace, finds a "street rat", falls in love, he saves the day, and in the end the father changes the law. In Mulan, she breaks tradition and takes her father's place in the military, saves the kingdom, and in the end dad is proud. The same holds true for the Lion King and the Little Mermaid. This underlying message exerts far more impact than those alleged sexual allusions in Disney films. In fact, I wonder if those things are only distracters from the real problems with Disney programming the family (I mean Disney family programming).

Change the language, change the people, change society. This is social engineering.



Marginalizing Religion:

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Islam started as something strange, and it will revert to its (old position) of being strange. So give good tidings to the stranger. (Sahih Muslim Book 1, # 0270)

During my third year of medical school I was amazed to find out that "religious preoccupation" was deemed by the psychiatric world to be a sign of mental illness, often related to psychosis.  This term is often applied to the religious practice of Muslims, and in fact, anyone who practices their religion as a way of life rather than services to be attended on the weekends.  Quite ironically, this element of the Dajjalic priesthood has actually switched some age-old definitions...homosexuality has become a lifestyle choice and religious practice has become a deviant thought pattern, or at the very least, a mere component of culture.

The excerpt below comes from a monthly, sometimes bimonthly, class of medical literature called Clinics.  These books often serve as valuable updates for practicing physicians in their respective fields.  The quotes regarding Muslims and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are quite telling...

Islamic religion teaches that a person may be tortured in his or her grave and after death if his or her wrongdoings outnumber his or her good deeds.  Obsessional fears concern inability to control one's own harmful impulses. These were 'invariably attributed to the devil (Shaitin), who is thought to force them on individuals whose faith is not strong enough to counter the evil.'  Similarly, in studies of OCD patients seen in outpatient psychiatry clinics in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the most common themes of obsessions and compulsions were religious.


Muslim upbringing puts an emphasis on religious rituals, including ritual cleansing before prayer five times a day as well as warding off blasphemous thoughts through repetition of phrases such as 'I seek refuge with the Lord from the accursed satan.'  The symptomatology of OCD, here as elsewhere, then involves repetition and internal struggle with forbidden thoughts, as these engender the greatest anxiety for the individual and are most liable to become part of vicious cycles of effort and failure to control.  The congruence between religious belief and practice and OC symptoms also probably contributes to relatively low rates of insight into the irrationality of the symptoms: in the context of orthodox Muslim religion moderate repetitions of protective thoughts and actions appear normal, at least to the afflicted person, although others may well recognize that the levels of religious preoccupation, scrupulosity, and anxiety are abnormal.  (from <i>The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Cultural Psychiatry</i>, Vol 18, #3, September 1995, emphasis is my own)

It is important to remember that this is taken from medical literature, from which your psychiatrists and physicians are learning.  What is problematic is not so much the label of OCD being associated with religious ritual, but more so our inability to refute it based on the very definition of the disorder.  Our objections to the above concepts will undoubtedly be attributed to the "low rates of insight into the irrationality of the symptoms".  Our "actions appear normal", at least to us, "the afflicted".

...What better way to implement a worldly order, than to disqualify the religious order. 

The Role of Social Work and the Case Manager:

I have seen it time and time again.  A young, energetic, idealistic college student fresh with new ideas and unparalleled drive starts off on a career directed at social change and work.  They study hard in college, they debate their friends and colleagues in late night dorm room discussions on social issues, and bring a few under their sway of idealism.  They graduate, enter the workforce, and become a frustrated, demotivated, paper-pushing machine. 

I have intense respect and admiration for all I have met who have taken this course.  Social work is a demanding profession that requires a special soul to pursue it.  But I have seen the light die.  Over and over again.  I have seen it die.  And it is certainly not the fault of the social worker.  It is the fault of the parameters already in place.  It is the fault of a systemic plague that is not remediable with a new committee or a new governmental department.  The problem is multi-leveled.  One, the system, with all of its laws, issues of funding, and mounds of paperwork.  Two, the workload of the social worker, being forced to spread his or herself too thin to make the impact on any one life that they had hoped to make on the world upon entering the profession.  And three, the very people it sets out to serve are being directed by media, materialism, and mental colonization that shapes the lens with which they view the world.  Furthermore, the relentless paperwork and the long lines make for a frustrated client.

My point?  Social workers and case managers are a special group of people, allies in our fight against the Dajjalic influences of the New World Order.  However, their nine-to-five shifts as they exist today make them the altar boys of the Dajjalic priesthood, ringing the bell when they are told to ring the bell, and opening the book when their priests command them to open the book.  The ones who will help will be the ones who struggle to maintain the family unit and to foster its growth.  Those who simply call around to find the nursing home nearest the family are not doing what they set out to do in the first place by entering such a noble profession.

"We've finally learned how to live":

Since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the world has begun to witness a phenomenon in which we rely on (and in many ways worship) technology.  Proven, age-old methods have been replaced with newer, faster, and technology-dependent means.  Child birth now takes place almost solely in hospitals while that was rarely the case just a few short decades ago.  Infants are drinking powder-mixed-with-water formula, rather than mother's breast milk, or if breast milk, often milk expressed via a pump rather than an intimate connection between baby and mom.  Nowadays, people wait until their early 30s to marry, 2 decades after they reach a natural adulthood...sexual maturity or puberty.

Emerging in this technologically-dependent global society is a sense that we have finally learned how to live.  That somehow a mother giving birth in her mother's home is primitive and unsafe.  That reaching puberty in the early teens is some sort of freak of nature, a mistake in the biological process.

Though the effects are many, perhaps the one with the most deleterious impact is the tendency to look toward the past and its associated traditions, norms, values, and wisdom with disdain.

Furthermore, having finally learned how to live, we have appropriated everyone to their respective compartments.  We send our smallest children away to daycare, our older children to school, our elderly to the nursing home or adult daycare, and we, ourselves, go off to work.  We divide ourselves by our age.  And when the subject of the "generation gap" arises, our Dajjalic priests point the finger at inadequate school funding, a paucity of after-school activities, attention deficit disorder, adolescence, the music industry, television, and lack of parental responsibility.  So we set up committees and departments and we prescribe drugs to deal with these issues, and we miss the point.  Our Dajjalic priests have misdirected our energies.  And when our energy expenditure bears no fruit, what happens?  We become cynical and apathetic.

This is not to make light of issues such as school funding and television.  These are very important.  But something that is ignored is that we have separated the young from the old, the experienced from the inexperienced.  There's a lot to be gained in insight, wisdom, and interpersonal interactions when a grandparent tells their grandchild about something that happened in the past, or that child tells the grandparent about something they learned in school.  Everyone benefits in such interactions.  But these interactions are no more.  And for this reason, I am no longer surprised by the lack of respect I see on the part of today's youth for our elderly.  I am not surprised at all.

Allah knows best.

Related Links:

  • In Search of a Cerebral Paradise: Antidepressants, Materialist Science, & the New World Order
  • Satanic Reverses: As Things Become their Opposites
  • Converted to Islam? The Israeli Government Will Send You To A Psychiatrist
  • Bikini vs. Burka: The Debauchery of American Womanhood