Random Acts of Journalism
Welcome to SpiritualFortress.com's "Random Acts of Journalism". This phrase generator is random and this is intentional. You, too, could work for one of the few media giants that exist today. Need an antagonist? Simply click on the "Random Acts of Journalism" button. Doesn't fit, click again...and again...and again. It's hilarious. It's sad. And it's aggravating. - You'll laugh. You'll cry. It's better than Cats.
Note: This is for illustrative purposes only. When emotionally charged language is added to categories of people, it often reveals underlying bias. Some of the above results sound ridiculous and some can be downright offensive. The point is to make you more aware of such language in the media. The hope is to give you pause the next time you see such phrases regarding Muslims. They're all too common nowadays. And they are easily missed (mentally), but potentially scarring emotionally.