Islam in the Bible
compiled by Abu Aasiya
This page in no way serves to prove the authenticity or validity of Islam. There is no need to do such a thing. The Truth stands out clear from Falsehood. The purpose of this page is to begin to bring us all to common terms....to call everyone to the worship of the One True God. Jews and Christians are highly esteemed in the Qur'an and ahadith as "People of the Book", indicating that they, are, in fact, recipients of earlier revelation. However, through the ages, the teachings of these faiths have become corrupted, and thus their followers have treaded down dangerous paths. The Final Revelation, the Holy Qur'an, remains in its unadulterated form....uninfluenced by the thousands of cultures which abide by it or by the thousands of years of human history it has passed through. The Qur'an is our lens, our criterion. This page provides a minute sample of verses from the Bible which support various aspects of Islam, thus calling Jews and Christians to act and believe as Muslims do.
Prayer: gen 17:3, deut 5:9, 9:25, rev 7:11, matt 26:39, 1
kings 18:42, dan 10:15, num 16:22, 20:6, psalms 95:6, judges 13:20, lamentations 2:10.
For a deeper explanation of these passages see Prayer in the Bible.
Covenant: gen 17:20, 21:17-20(well of Zam-zam),
25:12-16(Kedar), deut 21:15-17, gen 12:2-3 (before Abraham has children), gen
17:11-14 (circumcision), gen 17:23-27 (Ishmael is circumcised), gen 16:3 (Hagar, a
legitimate wife), luke 2:21-22 (Jesus is circumcised)
Covenant taken away from Judah: gen 49:10, matt
21:42-43, jer 31:36, isaiah 11:1-2, matthew 21:19 (fig tree), isaiah 65
Ablution/Wu’du: ex 29:4, 30:18-21, 40:12, 30-32, john
2:6, lev 8:6, psalms 51:2
Qur’an 4:43, 5:6
Prohibition of pork: lev 11:7, deut 14:8, john
15:10(Jesus kept God’s commandments), matt 5:17-18, 7:6, 8:30-32, mark 5:11-15, isaiah
66:3, 17, proverbs 11:22, luke 8:32-34, isaiah 65:3-4
Qur’an 2:172-173, 5:3, 6:145-146, 16:114-115
Alcohol not holy: num 6:3, judg 13:4-7, ephes 5:15-18,
hosea 4:11, 7:5, isaiah 19:14, 28:7-8, proverbs 23:29-35
Qur’an 2:219, 5:90
Christmas trees?!: jer 10:2-5
One God: deut 5:7, 6:4, 4:35, 4:39, matt 23:9, isaiah
43:10-11, 44:6, 45:18, hosea 13:4, 2 sam 7:22, psalm 86:8, 89:6, 113:5, mark 12:29, zach
14:9, 1 chron 17:20. Though the Bible affirms and demands the belief in the The Oneness of God, the Qur'an actually goes more in depth
into exactly what One God means. In fact, it does so in such a manner that you may even
begin to question your own concept of One God.
Original sin: ezek 18:20-21, deut 24:16, jer 31:30, matt
7:1-2, 18:3, 19:14(children w/o sin), 1 corin 3:8, 14:20
Usury (Interest): deut 23:19-20, ezek 18:13, 22:12, jer
15:10, lev 25:36-37, nehemiah 5:7, exodus 22:25, matt 25:26-27, luk 19:22-23, proverbs
28:8, psalms 15:5, Islam & Usury
Backbiting: lev 19:16, proverbs 11:13, 16:28, 17:9,
20:19, 26:20
CruciFICTION: matt 16:20(Jesus fears for his life), john
11:53-54, 12:36, 18:1-2, mark 13:46(God’s will not Jesus’), john 11:42(God always hears
Jesus’ prayers), mark 11:24, matt 7:9-10(prayers answered), psalms 22:16, 22:24,
34:19-20, 18:6, 66:18-20, john 19:23, 19:36(psalms applied to Jesus), jer 29:13, job
22:27, john 9:31(prayers of the righteous are heard), hebrews 5:7(saved from death), matt
27:52-53(only place this is mentioned), matt 12:39-40(sign of Jonah),What was the Sign of Jonah?,
matt 27:19(Pilate’s wife’s dream), matt 2:13(Jesus saved from Herod through a dream)
Qur’an 3:55-58, 4:157-159
Muhammad: deut 18:15-22(like Moses), 33:2(Sinai,
Seir, Paran), isaiah 21:13-17(pomp of Kedar), chapter 42, john 1:19-21, 1:24-25(three
prophesies), john 14:15-17, 15:26, 16:7-14(Counselor), gen 21:19 (well of Zam-zam), jer
(Prophet brings ‘peace’....Jesus didn’t....see luke 12:51-53 & matt 10:34-36), habakkuk
3:3(Holy One from Mt Paran), john 13:20, luke 7:28, isaiah 60:1-11, 28:9-13, song of
solomon 5:10-16
For more detailed expressions of the prophecies of Muhammad (peace be upon him)
please go to:
- Prophet Muhammad in the Bible
- Did Jesus and Isaiah
Prophecy the Coming of Muhammad?
- The Last Prophet
in the Qur’an & Previously Revealed Scriptures
Qur’an 46:10 (foretold by Moses), 61:6 (foretold by Jesus), 7:157, 53:3-4 (does not
speak on his own)
Jesus sent only to Israel: matt 15:24, 1:21, 5:17-18(not
to change law), matt 28:19 (teach nations...tribes of Israel), mark 16:9-20(omitted in later
versions as an addition), matt 10:5-6, luke 15:6
Qur’an 3:49-51
Jesus worshipped wrongfully: matt 15:9, isaiah 43:10-11
Qur’an 5:17, 72
Jesus prayed (Does God need to pray?): matt 26:39,
26:36, luke 5:16, 22:44, hebrews 5:7
Jesus tempted by Satan: luke 4:1-13.......but James 1:13
says that God cannot be tempted
Confusion: 1 corin 14:33
Paul admits uniqueness: 2 tim 2:8
Jesus denies Divinity: mark 9:37, 10:18, 15:34, matt
10:40, 15:24, 26:39, john 8:39-40, 14:28, 15:10
Qur’an 19:88-92
Other people’s miracles: 2 kings 4:7, 4:44, 1 kings 17:6,
[2 kings 5:14 (heals a leper)], [2 kings 6:17, 6:20, 6:18 (blindness)], [1 kings 17:22, 2
kings 4:34, 13:21 (raising the dead)], Even Jesus’ enemies performed miracles.....matt
12:27, luke 11:19....false prophets in matt 24:24
Other "sons of God": ex 4:22, 2 sam 7:13-14, 1 chron
22:10, deut 14:1, jer 31:9, romans 8:29, psalm 2:7, matt 5:45, 5:48, 2 corin 6:18, hebrews
7:3, luke 3:38, 4:41(Jesus is called ‘son of God’ by devils and demands to be called the
son of man), 1 corin 3:16, hosea 1:10, Sons of God
Qur’an 9:30
Jesus as teacher, servant, and prophet: john 3:2, 6:14,
7:40, 9:17, matt 12:18, 13:57, 21:11, luke 7:16, 24:19, acts 3:13, 4:27. The Status of Jesus in Islam.
Qur’an 4:171, 5:75, 6:85, 43:59, 63-64
Pray in secret: matt 6:5
Zakat/sadaqa: matt 6:4, proverbs 3:27
Qur’an 2:110, 177, 195, 215, 219, 254, 261-274, 3:134, 14:31, 57:7-11, 18, 63:10,
Crucifixion an accursed death: deut 21:23, galatians 3:13
Qur’an 2:213, 10:19, 30:22, Racism & Islam
Hijab: 1 corin 11:5-6,13, genesis 24:65, isaiah 3:23, ruth
Asalaamu Alaikum: gen 43:23, judges 6:23, 1 sam 1:17,
25:6, luke 24:36, john 20:19, 20:26, luke 10:5, daniel 10:19
Polygyny: deut 21:15, 2 sam 5:13, 1 kings 11:3, song of
sol 6:8-9, gen 4:19, 16:1-3, 25:1, 30:1-4, 36:2-10, dan 5:2, 1 sam 1:2, 1 chron 4:5, 8:8, 2
chron 11:21,
Who Practices Polygamy?
Dress: (diff for men and women): deut 22:5
Pharoah or King?!: An Interesting Aspect of the Qur'an's Miraculous Nature
Conflicts with science: 1 kings 7:23, 2 chron 4:2 (the #
pi), gen 1:1-4 (order of creation)...I am not done compiling these verses. If God is the
Creator, then He must have knowledge of creation. Simply put, if something conflicts
with well-established facts, then it is not from God. The Qur'an not only agrees with
well-known scientific fact, it actually describes newly discovered phenomena. Science & Islam.
Never did We (Allah) send a Messenger or a Prophet before you (Muhammad)
but when he recited or narrated or spoke the revelation, Satan threw some falsehood in it.
But Allah abolishes that which Satan throws in. Then Allah establishes His revelations.
And Allah is the All-Knower, the All-Wise.
This, so that He may make what is thrown in by Satan a trial for those in whose
hearts is a disease...
Qur’an 22:52-53
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Islam & Christianity in the Bible
What Did Jesus Really Say?
BOOK: What Did Jesus Really Say?
BOOK: Beyond Mere Christianity - C.S.Lewis and the Betrayal of Christianity
BOOK: Christianity The Original and Present Reality
The Test of the Cross: by Abu Aasiya