The basic premise of this particular Watch Page, Shari'ah Watch, is that wherever Islamic Law is being implemented it is being aggressively opposed - by governments, journalists, news agencies, and various international human rights organizations. Even when Muslims, choosing their own form of government, choose shari'ah, it will be opposed by those outside, essentially saying, "Stop! We know what's good for you. You are violating your own rights." Also implied in their statements is that they know what is good for humanity and the One Who created humanity does not.
In the US, violent crimes kill more people each than are killed in countries at war. The US has more people in prison than the rest of the world combined. We (speaking as an American) are in no moral position to issue judgment on people who choose shari'ah. And as a Muslim, I feel that the world will not know justice until it knows Islam.
Nonetheless, my opinions mean very little in the grand scheme of things. So, I established Shari'ah Watch. Perhaps someone whose opinion matters will read and see trends which I, and millions of other Muslims see, that wherever Islam is being established in its entirety, it is being opposed.
Where Shari'ah is being Established & Opposed:
Taleban retaking land says UN
Salafis, Saudis, and Secular Spin
Food supplies run short in Aceh
Indonesia to Issue Aceh Civilians New Identity Cards
Indonesia arrests local separatist chief
Aceh rebels keen to keep peace pact
Crusade versus Jihad
A Controversial Crusade - Evangelizing may backfire, some say - check out the comment about "an Islamic state"
Indonesian Government, Aceh Rebels Blamed for Peace Agreement Violations
US Wants Permission To Bomb Pakistan's Tribal Areas
Shari'ah Row Threatens Peace Talks
Islamists take key Pakistan province
Shariah's Death Row: Stoning Sentences Surge in Struggle With Nigeria's Islamic North
Miss World contestants warned against Shariah states
Miss World Quits Nigeria After Dozens Die in Riots
Aceh introduces Islamic law (similar article on BBC)
Jakarta pressured over Islamic law
Aceh rebels surrounded They declare shari'ah in January 2002, they're surrounded in November 2002.
Impending Clash (in Aceh, Indonesia) may Result in Crimes against Humanity
As Indonesia tries Islamic law, US aims to help - Help? "It might seem strange at first, but if sharia law is going to come into force there anyway, it makes sense for the US to try to steer it in a more moderate direction." That doesn't sound like help to me.
1700 US troops to combat Philipino rebels - They want independence. They want shari'ah. The US wants their oil and to end the establishment of shari'ah.
Articles & Analysis:
Crusade versus Jihad
Ruling by other than what Allah revealed: by Shaykh Saleh al-Fouzan
The Status of Applying Other Than the Divine Laws: by Shaykh Saleh al-Fouzan
The Purposes of the Shari`ah: by Abdul Wahid Hamid
Shoora and Democracy: A Conceptual Analysis: by Dr. Ja`far Sheikh Idris
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