Health Watch
During my residency in internal medicine there were two things that sparked my interest in the manipulation of disease and illness. The first of these was a news report that the so-called state of Israel had begun investigating the possibilities of developing a genetic weapon to utilize in its oppression and destruction of Arabs, and in particular, Palestinians. The second was an observation that instruction on dealing with the effects of biological weapons became part of the curriculum for my residency and for the internal medicine boards in general.
Now, it must be stated, and emphasized, that I may or may not agree with the links provided below. Medicine has become quite specialized, so while I have some knowledge regarding the subjects below, I am not an expert.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS):
Killer virus resists drug cure
CDC steps up alert on virus
Global Alert: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
SARS may be caused by common virus
Bush Authorizes Quarantine for Mystery Illness
SARS virus 'mutating rapidly'
SARS not just respiratory, but also GI?
AIDS Emergency in Africa
AIDS Conspiracy
Was There an AIDS Contract?
Is AIDS Manmade?
Vaccines Linked to Origin of AIDS: by Elaine Zacky
AIDS & Population Control: by Steven Ransom
Hepatitis B Vaccine & the Origin of HIV: by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Boyd Graves, JD & the Development of AIDS Flowchart
HIV Rate Starts To Increase In Many US Cities
West Nile Virus:
West Nile Virus Probably NOT Being Spread by Migrating Birds
The CIA & the West Nile Virus: by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
First West Nile prenatal case confirmed
The Dajjalic Priesthood: The Role of Psychiatry & "Self-help" in Instituting the New World Order
What's Wrong with Guilt?
In Search of a Cerebral Paradise: Antidepressants, Materialist Science, & the New World Order
US Psychopharmacological Weapons Research
DNN's Psych/Pharm Watch
Biological Weapons:
Forced Vaccines Haunt Gulf Vets
Anthrax & Ebola Missing from US Army Lab
Anthrax Vaccine Homepage
US May Limit Lawsuits regarding Smallpox Vaccine
DNNnews.net Psych/Pharm Watch
Canada reports case of mad cow disease
DNNnews.net Military Testing Watch
A Secret History of Human Experimentation
The Population Control Agenda by Stanley Monteith, MD
Scientists Get OK to Put Human Genes in Cattle
School offers morning-after pill to 11-year-olds
Cartoon: Pharmacy Disclaimer
Mad Deer Disease?
3 Texas Women Die Suddenly From Mystery 'Flu' Illness
A Prescription for Deception: Money, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and the Toll on Human Life
Prions Found in Fish
Depleted Uranium: The American Legacy