"...if you find something good,
then thank Allah.
And if you find something other than that,
then blame no one but yourself..." (excerpt from a Hadith Qudsi)
In this age of information and entertainment excess, conspiracy theories abound. And
though the logo atop this page is often linked to conspiracy theories, this web site is not
based on theory. Not theory, but Truth. Truth via revelation to the Last Messenger of
Allah, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He said that no messenger came before
him who failed to mention al-Masih ad-Dajjal, the AntiChrist.......the Imposter Messiah.
And Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), being the Last of Allah's; Messengers, was
given the most information regarding ad-Dajjal.
Please understand that this site is only based on the warnings,
descriptions, prophecies, and guidance given to us by the Prophet (peace be upon him).
There are many links below which contain the results of individuals?research, some
merely opinion, and others, conjecture. For the Truth as given by Allah and His
Messenger, I refer you to the Quran and Ahadith. So, before
reading the links below, I first suggest the Ahadith Regarding
the AntiChrist to read the Prophet's warnings and descriptions of the One-Eyed Liar and the Signs Before the Day of Judgment.
Then, I point you to the links below. They are divided into thirteen departments or
bureaus. These categories are my own making, developed only to assist the reader to
view the system being implemented to call many to embrace the Dajjal when he arrives.
This system is being established now, and has been in the works for centuries. Some have
called it the New World Order, but I choose to call it the Dajjalic System. Though New
World Order is an appropriate term, it is problematic in that it means many things to many
different people. To call it the Dajjalic System does not divorce the system from its
endpoint and goals.
Most of the world's religions speak of an individual who will arrive at the End of
Time. This person is called al-Masih, or Messiah, by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.
Christians and Muslims accept Jesus (peace be upon him), the son of Mary, as the
Messiah. Though prophecies regarding his arrival and actions once he gets here differ,
both Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) will return in the End
of Time. And both speak of an AntiChrist, al-Masih ad-Dajjal, literally the Imposter
Christ. He will cause great tribulation for those who do not follow him. He will deceive
many. The Dajjal is NOT a system. He is a human being. But, is this the system conditioning the world to accept him when he arrives?:
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Department of Psycho-Social Engineering
The Dajjalic Priesthood: The Role of Psychiatry & "Self-help" in Instituting the New World Order by Abu Aasiya
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